Wednesday, August 11, 2010
people think.
But even more often that that,
people brood.
Brood till,
the loot of a hoot,
had a moot in the room,
with the pool in the woods,
like a boot with a hood,
like a root with a Woot!
Thinking about the things,
about their hurts
about their work
about their sufferings
about their failings
about their pains.
and they think,
about could have beens,
about had beens,
about would be,
about jelly beans,
about long beans,
about Stinky Beans!
In short,
excessive thinking hath rendered,
a logical sound mind,
with brilliancy devine,
into a jamble of brambles.
So lets just learn,
to attain just that calm.
Just that peace.
Your dear,
My dear,
Our Dear,
Father above.
Just learn to let go,
with a brighter outlook,
as tonight is a good night,
with tomorrow being a better night.
So heres,
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
he sendeth more strength when the labors increase,
To added affliction He addeth His mercy,
to multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.
When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
when our strength has failed ere the day is half-done,
when we reach the end of our hoarded resources,
our Father's full giving is only begun.
His love has no limit, his grace has no measure,
his Power no boundary known unto men,
for our of his infitite riches in Jesus,
He giveth and giveth and giveth again.
well, im scared. kinda stupid, but twice bitten ten times the shyness. im really scared that im gonna get into that again. it was like dropping an anchor just now, but Why DID i feel that way??? omgoodness. im going nuts. think too much already. and who called other ppl paranoid? im Paranoid. hehehe NOID NOID ><
Friday, July 30, 2010
omgosh seriously, i don't need that friend to appear in my dreams also. tt was creepy.
and sianzed probably failed my mmb already. AND ITS A RETEST. zomgosh. also had ccta ct 2. hmm next week quite hectic also, mon need to present on mango, and have prac test for imm, then on fri need to hand in ccta report, fri mmb ct 2, must chiong for this one. and the week after next the tues need to hand in the reports for mmb lab pracs. chiong and shiong arh ><
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
day 3 parents
Monday, July 26, 2010
day 2 crush
day 1, best friend. LOL!
30 days of challenge.
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
my birthday!
lol! Jie’s expression today was downright funny. Made me laugh like nuts. Haha! She looked good in that.. ermm….. dunno whats its called but some Indian traditional clothing. Erm I wonder… oh wells nevermind I forgot whats its called. AHHH! sari. Haha in short a nice and good day.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
lol. this was probably the most enjoyable thing from yesterday, writing out this assigment. lol. but i found the format required was utter CRAP so i just hecked it. lol. now im awaiting the time whereby i can see ken tower over susan. anticipating it even. it would be quite and be relatively enjoyable. lol
Assignment 1
Social influence narration:
1. Social influence. It is the result of many factors, Envy, greed and a lack of acceptance of what the person currently has are some of those
2. In our teenage life in poly, we get to meet people from different backgrounds, and with different lifestyles.
3. We get to meet people who are more well off than us, living in landed properties, which makes up the minority in housing in Urban Singapore. Seeing that one of my friends from our circle of friends living in a huge bungalow, it is a lie to say that we do not envy him.
4. Another example would be following the trends. We as teens would wan to be seen as in and cool, as ‘normal’ as the rest of the populace, so that we are not seen as the opposite, as weird or unglamorous.
5. One down to earth example, especially in poly, is BGRs. More I had met friends who want and long to get into a relationship, due to simply peer pressure, looking at their immediate circle of friends around them, envying those friends who are in a relationship and therefore want to be in one.
Social influence reflection:
- Social influence in a result of the things we see around us, the influence that makes us want to be seen in a certain light, due to the result of greed and envy.
- As the amount of people we meet, each with their very own background, ranging from the wealthy to the poor, that is one of the most common influences in society, the wealth factor.
- As we view other people from the different social standings, we want to be seen as to be on the same level as the other person. Therefore we would want to have the same material stuff as the other person, so that one as a person can say that we are equal and not different.
- Trends are the most easily described social influence. Because that’s what it simply is. Influences. We see Jonas brothers wearing tight fitting jeans, and that sparked the rage of tights in Singapore. We see the K pop boy bands having long hair, and that’s what many teens do too. Follow to be seen as in and not out.
- In conclusion, social influences are basically, what we see our friends have, we want to follow. What we see as cool and in, we want to follow. It is just something that had blossomed out of envy and the need to be seen as In or cool or just simply normal. This affects society in more ways than one, mainly increasing the competiveness of people in their race to get more, and it would and may lead to people belittling others.
Construal narration:
- Construal are basically the way we view things. I believe that playing the piano is a pain and that the daily practice that is required to master a song simply wears me out. Whereas others find it a joy to play the piano and find enjoyment in their music.
- Another example would be one of myself again, hating soccer. I do not like soccer as I believe it to be a violent sport, though not as violent as rugby and wrestling, but people tend to lose their inhibitions and their senses when it comes to football, even rioting and fighting when the losing team’s supporters attack the winning team’s supporters.
- I believe that relationships and friendships to be more important than anything else. They are the components which make my life meaningful and fulfilling, not the material needs like large houses etc.
Construal reflection:
1. In some sense, my parents had always belittled my achievements and always expect more than what I believe I can give. Therefore similarly in the aspect of playing the piano, I expect them to say the same and therefore do not give my all. In some sense they had ingrained in me unintentionally, a aspect where I think and believe this.
Me + piano= fail. So naturally it is harder for me to really sit down and have the patience to play the piano and I would give up much easier. This is the result of my experiences and the knowledge of how my parents would react to different situations, though flawed it might be.
2. Now football on the other hand. I believe the reason why I could not find the same passion for foot ball was a result of upbringing. As such my mindset is affected by it. As I grew up in a family where we spent very little contact with football as my father rarely watches football matches, I can never find the same passion and can not see the beauty of the sport. I believe it to be violent, due to the images portrayed by the media after the previous world cup riots, and I was left with a wronged and one sided impression.
3. I believe the reason why I see relationships, kinship and friendships in such a way is because from young I had a close knit family, with very little wants and my parents can and did satisfy my needs. Therefore I had a very comfortable life so far so I put a lesser importance in material needs. Another reason was because I had lost people who I loved, my grandfather. Therefore it had partially scarred me and I fear these losses. As the saying goes once bitten twice shy. Thus now I have a different perspective to this matter than I once had.
4. In conclusion, construal can affect the society when people having a different mindset as to what is to be done work together, conflicts can arise. On a larger scale, the Americans fear the terrorists due to their past experience with the 9/11 incident. Whereas the terrorist believe that the Americans are infidels and therefore unholy and are just simply corrupting their culture and beliefs.
Schemas narration:
1. In polytechnic, besides studies, the most common topic between friends is always boy girl relationships. And it is there where a extremely common schema can be found. Like currently in my immediate circle of friends, there is this guy and this girl. They had gotten very close, but are not involved in a relationship. And they are rather intimate, holding hands, leaning one’s head on the other’s shoulder etc.
2. A common stereotype in my class is related to the Korean trend, the guys calling any other guy who has long hair or dyed hair gay and faggots and the like. They believe the person to be as such, relating their physical appearance to what and how they are like.
Schemas reflection.
1. Commonly people relate these actions to a couple’s. therefore currently the most number of questions that they receive are, are the two of you together? People in the Asian world do not have the same easy attitude towards closeness to close friends of the opposite gender. So they believe when they see someone holding hands, they immediately believe they are together as the perspective is ingrained in the society, and influenced by the customs of the races in that place.
2. Once again, as a person’s expected image of someone is ingrained in him, he has developed a schema. Believing that once a person has and shows certain personalities and traits of the classifications and terminologies that people give like nerds, gays, lesbians etc, they naturally believe and think as such. My classmates are likewise. Though some of them are influenced by their upbringing, their culture.
3. In conclusion, schemas are affected by society’s viewpoints in general.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
it becomes another cycle, another cycle to numb it, to escape it. losing myself in both books and games, where my mind would have no place to wander, no strength to think of other stuff. fixing wholly on just that one thing.
and im starting to hate music. not the enjoyment of music.. but the lack of ability to enjoy it. or maybe its just more inner demons at work here. oh wells
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
yeah sure, going out with friends was great. in fact more than great. it was outta the world. anna, van and soon had opened new perspectives for me to understand and comphrehend. its increasingly enjoyable to be normal again. no more liking. thats stupid. poly only. what do we know? like seriously. why bother emoing and moping over one person? lol. we still have 60 years laid out infront of us. thats kinda a waste right? well, always look on the good side of life! haha! we have the Lord. so whats there to fear? hahaha not ghosts, not life not anything! hahaha!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
oh well, the usual boring ' TODAY'
went shopping with my mum at vivo cause she took half day off. then i bought a wallet, 1 pants, 2 casual formal tees and one long sleeved shirt. took me an hour or so to finish fitting them all. and i stupidly wore a buttoned casual formal tee and JEANS there. can you imagine the hassel?!?! haha. zzz it was quite ex. but G2000 got offer so o wells! now waiting for aunt to bring me to church meeting. cause i dunno how to go! haha! well, i can't wait for our 'date' next mon. XP and i can't wait for tmw too! but i dunno tmw will got or not >< then tmw must chiong hw alr and play piano! haha!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
im tired. so dam bloody tired. i guess i had been running away from this, just burying it with tons of other things, not thinking about it really helped alot, but when im tired like now, my thoughts just seem to wander and it just goes around those few circles. nobody ever really knew why i got down and out whenever i get well, rejected. its actually just partially due to yeah me getting rejected. but mostly, in fact everytime, its just that im afraid that because of one dam change, in how i feel for someone, it would ruin and destroy the friendship. which is actually true for majority of the populace. oh well. one is only as happy as how he/she wans themself to be. so thats what im going to do! a smile on my face!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
shut up and don't comment. im just writing my thoughts down to better think things through so SHUT UP if ur gonna comment.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
fish and co fish and co fish and co.
haha! went out after sch with sm and christine. lol. we went to fish and co, the topic was the same from afternoon till night. downright interesting. haha! and and and.... we talked, i got scolded for not letting them get served by the waiter when i just walked to the reception thingy and tooked a menu for them. in the course of eating, dam blur sia. first drop something. then dropped ice. then drop veggie then drop this. =.= diao siol. haha then the girls had the sudden inspiration to watch shrek. and Wow. grace was also in the same theatre, same movie, but we didn't see each other till after the movie. at the toilet she just walked past me. lol. i called her name in both english and chinese, her friend heard the el one, she heard the chinese one. never notice me. =.= lol! then bused home in 154 in which we camwhored a little. like 10 pictures. ><
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
dunno wut to post or talk about siol. haha so im just gonna talk with pictures. XP
Friday, May 14, 2010
just a little shift in my point of view XP
im about to slp. but i suddenly had this thought in mind. well, i had alot of crushes. and some that became something more. and whenever it happened, and im close to that person... its always this thought thats in my mind. to be honest, this is the main thought in my mind. i well, do not place the accept or reject thing higher, than whether would the subsequent outcomes would be. whether would the friendship degenerate, whether would there be an awkwardness thereafter.... things lidat.
thats kinda the thing i emo about. USED TO. haha. its just a crucial switch, That switch in your mindset. looking at it as... oh she rejected me... im useless, its the end of the world, how many times must it happen before i meet 'Her'? , Gosh... i feel inferior. why did she choose him over me?
WE can think that.... or...
oh wells, look at the positive side! at least we are still friends, there are more things we can freely bluntly talk about, at least i gained a friend at the very least, that says something about who i am isn't it? just a crucial switch.... and things change. =p
haha im glad i met you. im so much more happier than i was last time. influence.... the crazy type. Hais. XP yeah true... there are times i still feel alone, down etc. like ytd i was feeling really alone thanks to that stupid movie we watched.... but then, well, that was only for a little while XP
looking at what i just wrote, i think i drew out this fact. i think im good at connecting with people, understanding how they feel by relating it to me... i think im quite empathatic. haha. i hope thats true. (:
Thursday, May 13, 2010
suprised once more.
this morning my group members came over to take pics of this and that to make into a video.... hais. i don't feel like talking anymore. not myself. >< bye!
sianz. i wished it was the same with all my friends. that im able to feel companionship with them. why can't people just take a walk or just sit down together without the need to talk? like just enjoy each other's company. i miss those times i shared with her. and seriously la. this is ridiculous.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
a post after a while
starting off this post with a shingz XP
haha. jiayous jia yous jiayous. XP left with 2 -3 right? gogogo! (:
this is like a book. a book, with me being the narrator.
walking with me under these lush canopies
Friday, May 7, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
dotty day sia =.=
ytd had an In-ter-es-ting lesson. lol. is cher told us some really funny stories... had some activities... and well open sharing kinda thing on some issues relating to bgrs. went for dance for fund, practically covered my ears throughout =.= missed the lsct PART WUT THE SHIT =.= went to meet up with her to send her back again.... then went back homed and COM-ed LOL.
today.... we ended lab early, went to studio 27 played far cry. i suck at it seriously. LOL highest number of kills? 6. snipe this snipe tt. all i know how to do. LOL then.. had lessons then.... went to lot 1 with pea. well, i waited alot AS USUAL..... was at clementi mrt reading a book for 15 - 20 mins around there, then stayed in cck mrt for another 15-20 mins. she shopped around for clothes, i was her shadow. LOL was quite quick lei. lol. as usual finished her leftovers.... im becoming a dustbin +.+ DUSTBIN I TELL U! =.= had bobochacha.... not so gd. my maid's one? BETTER! then then..... we had an interesting talk.... not gonna write any of it here... a bit weird sia.. and private lur. hmm.... ive broken alot of my records. go out 8-12 times in the matter of 7 weeks, sent someone home for 5 days straight... etc etc. wut a day! dam tired, had tons of laughs and oh yeah.... i just rmbed something that well.... nevermind.. don't wanna talk about it. its does nothing but miffs me. oh wells. tata for tonight (:
sometimes, its best to end things when u know they can't work out, to really get over it and be done with it then wanting to go back in again and again, akin to playing a game, and pressing the restart button.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
compilation of thoughts.
n transition into serious phase? LOL
its kinda been a whirl for me these few days, things passing so quickly im losing track of time. im feeling quite weary for some reason but all the same stuffs been working out. but i need to be consitient. Must work hard alr. im getting confused again but i think i would figure them out in time. well, joined a new cca, toastmasters.... but i think im not going for strings after all. i have my flute to master too. well. sianz lar, i lost my wallet. bought a new ezlink card today XP
under the stars, under the clouds.
under the rose petals, under the thorns.
under the fallen leaves, under the pond surface.
under the dark abyss, under the soil itself.
under the sinking ground, under the silvery moonlight.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
if your bored or tired of this friendship, shouldn't u end it then?? why do u keep thinking from the start its gonna fail etc? why so little trust in yourself and ME? and im getting dam tired and irked by you during the camp. like seriously, wts? u talk to me, then u ignore me, then talk to me than ignore me. so whats the bleeding problem? at least i fufiled a promise i made to my other friends in society. stay for foc. is there even a need for promises? LOL are we like pegs to hold us each other pegged down? like i really wonder what the fuck is going on sometimes, when suddenly u talk to me more than normal, then sometimes when i just wan a simple talk With no relation to any of our problems, go silent. like had we dropped to the state of oil and water? we are able to communicate our problems to one another, but we can't do anything else. this is getting really damming and annoying. if u don't wan to talk, tell me lar. like i can't vanish from your life lidat. Don't just fucking use me as a tool treating me like a fool. im not Your tool. im your friend. Don't push it. even though we are not just simple normal friends but still, watch it. I TOO have my LIMITS.
maybe im just dam tired and in need of rest and am not thinking straight. heck it. time to slp.
Monday, April 5, 2010
just a random spot of philosophical thinking (:
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
a catrostophically planned dayXP
tonight, i celebrate my love for you. EHH anyone got this song sia? i want it! hehe. i like the melody (:(:
Monday, March 29, 2010
a bullshit filled day but with great fun and laughter AS ALWAYS (:
edit: i pressed the wrong button in the lift=.= door close pressed alarm instead. clever ehh! =.=
Saturday, March 27, 2010
a brilliant day out (:
then in the afternoon, RANDOMLY, asked ehh u wanna go out? lol and so we went out! walked around vivo, talkin talkin talkin dunno where we went sia. really messy. walked here walked there, keep suaning each other and laughing like crazy! haha. then then we went to eat. bought sushi, asked EHH U CAN EAT EGGS RIGHT? bought some without meat in them..... then realised she didn't wan any =.= epic fail on my part. LOL then went to providence. YUM! okay lur. not say very nice. but not bad! but no melon bun >< at 6 items from those areas. then we went to this restraunt/ dining shop to eat. ahahaha! i like the baked rice! VERY thick layer of cheese! we were talking about how one of our friends is crazy about that shop. haha! then then she couldn't finish, i helped her finish. lol i seem to had become the dustbin for my friends >< thereafter we went walk for somemore, then she wanted to buy a gift for her mum. then we were on the train to outram when i asked, ehh wan follow me to clarke quay? lol. i went there searching for sticky! (: ps ehhs! we found the shop after walking PAST it =.= and then she found a wallet that she liked alot. lol. we went to the river side sat down and just talked and sight see. (literal, not figuratively ) quite a nice place to hang out (: then mrted home. then bused there, bought a drink and back home for me.
WAIT. the story gets better. I GOT STUCK OUTSIDE MY HOUSE, NO KEY, PARENTS WERE STILL AT MY GRANDMOTHER"S HOUSE IN THE EAST =.= walked to my grandfather's house just up the hill and then waited for them. reached at 10 sia. quite fast (: now im just gonna slp alr. i think. tata!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
pimplated nose. OUCH!
when im facing problems or having an EMOTIONAL CRISIS (LOL AT TT), what is one of the best cures for me is to listen to someone( preferably) or talk to someone who makes me high and hyper (just as preferably), not related to the the reasons for it. as in that helps. cause normally it just keeps building up within, cause i think about it, so it goes one circle and back, and just increases in the intensity. one of the ways ive found out that helps alot is understanding. understanding the reasons of the other party, no matter how much i loathe a person,dam it i would still be concerned about that person, worried even =.= which is stupid.
OW! im going. AHH CHOO! OW. AHH CHOO! OWWW! >< diagnoistics run completed. status: neck pain, diaphrgm pain, shoulders pain. ROAR!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
and those that can read this, PLEASE keep this to yourself.... For obvious reasons.
and those that can read this, PLEASE keep this to yourself.... For obvious reasons.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
the easiest to ruin a friendship with me is to breach that trust.
how ive changed. from that immature kid to now.
i need to take it in my stride and move on now.... no matter how alluring you are, a birdsong to my heart, no matter how much you do mean to me, there is more than one star in the sky. no matter how brightly you shine, there are also other stars and i should not be blinded by one star to be unable to see the rest. i should not be holding on now, not suppressing my hurt, my emotions and my jealousy, not just pressing downs on the many wounds in my heart, but rather apply the medication and bandages. this hurt would heal in time. but like the two before this, i think the scars would remain. make that three times. lost a family member, got rejected by a close friend, lost a friend due to misunderstandings. lol... spent months to years to get over them.
lol. most of the time, the analogies that i give here are mostly. only understood by myself. and maybe my closest friends. but well, this analogy however is super obvious isn't it? XP
i would just continue to care for you. that is what it should be. i guess? im bleeding within. probably for a long time to come. any tears? they would be for no one to see, only for me to know
Friday, February 19, 2010
a letter to my grandmother.
so when i heard you were going for an operation, i can't help but start to worry. even during my paper, i ended up thinking about it all. and when i went to see you on fri, it just reminded me of back then, especially with the pulse measuring item on the finger, with all the tubes and wires. it made me just so very scared. scared of the worst, scared of losing you. i do not want to not say those words to you before its too late, so grandmother, i love you so much, thanks for all the things you had done for me, literally and sincerely.
i fear loss. that is my biggest fear. lost of friends, those true ones, church friends, close ones, lost of family members. which was why i was so worried and am still worried now. i don't want it to change, but i also must accept that change is a constant thing. but i just hope our friendship is not affected. lol. how ironic, we think along the same lines for many a thing, i understand what she means and her reasons for it as well. now i understand the conflict she felt then. understanding indeed comes with time.
im on the edge of quitting society too, its getting really stupid. last training then, spent the entire session doing what? Learning how to make on stupid mat? like lol..... traditions are made to be broken, stupidity is not knowing how to change in relation to time. or rather, there are reasons why people do quit, tackle those roots and won't there be more man power? ive stayed so far is so not to pang sei my friends adding on to the manpower shortage. but im at the limit of my patience for just so many things. respect for some of the sgls are also keeping me in, my friends. but i think if there are agls coming for the trainings, lol.... i think i would probably walk out. after all, thats what i nearly wanted to do during otc.
you can't have the best of two worlds. compromises are needed to be made somewhere.
chionged down to hospital, was damit, ive found another person that i gave the look to. zomgosh =.= was just very worried, couldn't even meet her gaze for more than a few seconds. my legs are still hurting now =.=
his pissing me off. im at my limit. in fact im sick of the entire situation alr. seriously, if that continues, im just gonna literally go solo. who knows? i may actually be more happy then. there is more than one rose in the bed of roses, some roses are red, black and blue. ive been picking black roses so far. why i wonder? cause they are exquisite? or am i just plain stupid?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
random thought.
well, had a talk with her just now. dunno how it started. random too! HAHA! okay.... my sis just walked into my room, and said rawr with her hair covering her face. LOLS oh wells back to topic.
so we somehow for some reason were talking about bgrs. okay. kinda expected? oh wells so right. i said, i realised something, that bgrs cannot be solely dependent on feelings. cause well, obviously feelings change over time. but the other aspect, infact an important component is the bond, the empathy, the care and concern, the patience, the trust and above all, the independency.
obviously that partner does not make up a component of you. cause ur u, she she. but rather, that partner complements you. not like without that person, 'OH i cannot continue on' or 'shes essential in my life! without her i cannot live'. okay thats just plain stupid and immature. if cannot make it, come on, look at it from another angle. if cannot be a couple, why not close friends? haha. feelings can come and go, unexpectedly or expectedly, from viewing my friends and on a personal level. but there after, it depends on the two to maintain it. LOL! i sound like a love adviser=.= but lol. im discovering something new in a totally new enviroment. blogging these few days had helped me straighten my thinking. not like i have the FEEL then just rant and rant. but rather it helped me collect my thoughts. lol. emo attacks? once in a while. CONSTANTLY EMO? pouts* and Go and die! XP kai en the EMOER IS GONE! always always always. XP no longer coming back. (: haha!
is not that ive learnt how to kan kai. more like ive learnt the first step to acceptance (: haha! guess im always gonna be older than you in thinking? haha!
hmmm recollections ehh?
right here waiting:
Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
If I see you next to never
How can we say forever
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I took for granted, all the times
That I though would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now
Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' CrAzY
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance
Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' cRaZy
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, It is not rude, It is not self seeking, It is not easily angered, It keeps no record of wrongs. Loves does not delight in evil, But rejoices in truth. It will always protects, always trust, Always hopes, Always perservres.
well, it teaches, and its great to have someone you can talk to anytime anywhere. though he does not reply, but trust in him, and all would be well. ive wandered from him recently. yet He had gave me a gift, which is to know such a great friend as you are. (: fortunate i am? yes, very fortunate. undeservingly so.
im able to relate to the melody. without the words, i can see a story behind it. and be filled with emotions accordingly. (:
bluntness is something that one would enjoy don't they? beating around the bush is just all so tiring. haha!
and im trying to find custom made music boxes. need to get a gift for my parents.... i discounted the dinner in the flyer... UBER EX =.= 300++ -.- like omgoodness lor. pouts*
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy friendship day!
and its in order of primary school, sec sch and poly. haha XP
Friday, February 12, 2010
had remedial with cspy, couldn't get a thing in thanks to zc asking i dunno wut. i hear i got confused. and i don't have any questions intended to ask her to go through 7-10 =.=. oh wells. thereafter i went to the library, .........never noticed you all in the room if not i probably had zao liao. wanted to be alone then. and yeah... i was watching de grayman. lol.
thereafter we headed down to orchard,
went far east first to look at the things i probably would be buying to make one for her birthday. well.... alot of ideas came to mind. how to make it more symbolic as well. Music! haha.
then moved to ion.
saw kah ho's twin aka jiajia's bro. had mushroom cheese creep for lunch, walked here walked there, then walked to the atash area of ion. woah. i like that place. haha. got one art shop with wooden figurines. music boxes from 70 onwards, cheapest item was 40 plus bucks. im gonna get one of those in time. (: most ex was 2k i nearly wanted to faint then -.- then went to this really nice cafe within a bookstore. haha. one of these days all five of my cliques should head there. haha! primary school, secondary school, church, class and of course society. haha! well... thereafter i went into Prints and fufilled my promise to sy yesterday about the black book. i hope he didn't take it the other way around. well, and why am i worrying about how he would feel? cause his a friend.
my life is one made up of sacrifices for people. thats my purpose. i often do fail. but im not going to give up.