dam suck sia. all the class convers had changed to this..... 'hey you know right... today in school i saw a hot chick etc etc...' like their thinking is very narrow. all day long only think about girls girls girls. so shallow their thinking is.
and then...sianz... my back and legs screwed up again.... like after i frikking made up my mind to go -.- whattheheck. lugged the stuff i need to school.... then suddenly act up-.- retarded.
and waited outside the lt 77 for a briefing that never came.
hmm. regarding the stuff u were telling me.... i think the thing we can take away from it would be... next time if the ic of a group is involved in something that requires their attention, maybe appoint an aic too. well, learn stuff outta the negative comments. self improvement (: though well, balancing the two out is quite well.... difficult at times but anyway..... gd job thus far (: and....
why i didn't wan my dad to fetch me yesterday was due to.... well. he did fetch me the day before... and he kinda slept late due to that. and he Has to go to work the following day. lol.....is this what i would continue doing? putting the people whom i treasure before me, at my own expense? i have little wants or needs. i have one big want though...... and my close friends should know what it is. lol.
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